I have been working with this medicine for over 8 years and am beyond blessed and honored to offer it to others. I believe in it and trust it with my entire body and soul and have experienced and observed miraculous occurrences in myself and others in working with it over time.
Kambô is the venomous secretion of Phyllomedusa bicolor (the giant leaf or monkey frog), a bright green tree frog native to the Amazon River basin that has been used as medicine for thousands of years by indigenous tribes of the region.
Kambô is used to treat physical, emotional, and energetic “ailments” and blockages.
This medicine is a total system detox, it resets every cell in the body, boosts the immune system, removes what’s called “Panema” (predatory energy, or negative energy that gathers over time), removes FEAR, laziness, helps us gain clarity, focus, courage, strength, creativity, whatever we need. Three in a moon cycle is called inoculation. (It’s also called “the viagra of the jungle”).
It is extremely helpful in treating depression, anxiety, addiction (ask me about my experience!), as well as for physical ailments such as cancer, diabetes, RA, and many more.
The Kambô frog is a very HIGH-vibrational avatar.
The frog has NO predators because of the poison on its back so it literally DOES NOT KNOW FEAR. This is a huge part of its medicine.
Kambô helps us to stay healthy. It keeps our immune system strong. As we work with it over time, we acquire less illnesses as we age.
Kambô is applied to specially made skin burns. Also known as “gates,” these burns allow the substance to enter the bloodstream quickly because of the medicine’s vaso-dilating peptides and pro-inflammatory agents. They can go on different areas of the body.
These gates can leave scars, though they can fade with time and care. Dragon’s blood is applied after to ensure quick healing.
The affects are intense, but short-lived, (no more than 30-40 minutes).
The long terms affects, are immense.
The immediate reaction may include a feverish rise in temperature, sweating, shivers, and dizziness as the heart rate increases. Swelling can occur in the body and can look and feel scary, but is normal and subsides that same day.
(By removing the points, the medicine immediately subsides, for those who may be extra sensitive.)
Through its purgative affect, it majorly detoxes the liver. This is nothing like vomiting when you’re drunk or have a stomach bug. There is a sense of relief and peace each time that we “get well”.
There is often swelling that occurs in the face and body, sometimes inside the mouth as well. This is a normal affect and goes away quickly once the medicine is removed.
The way that this medicine is derived does not harm the frog (assuming that it comes from people who do it in a humane way). The frog may not be super comfortable when it is held and the medicine is scraped off its back, but the process does not hurt the frog or its population.
The creature is released back into the wild after the process. The Kambô frog population is currently listed as stable.
Kambô requires a strict diet several days (3+) prior and after (no animal products, some egg is okay, no caffeine, no alcohol, no thc, no refined or added sugar (fruits are okay), no spicy foods, no supplements, protein powders, etc... generally non-processed, non-fried/greasy, non junky food. Clean and healthy, to detox and prep the body. No sex the day before and several days after to conserve energy.
Same goes for several days after receiving.
Medications should be avoided the day before and the day of.
This refers to receiving this medicine THREE times within a moon cycle (28 days). This is a strengthening, immune-boosting option for those going through physical or emotional obstacles (chronic illness, addiction, depression) who want to commit to their path of healing through working with this medicine. It is also used as upkeep for general health and wellbeing.
You cannot have a chronic heart condition, Addison’s disease, hyper- or hypotension, brain hemorrhage, aneurysm, epilepsy, blood clots, or be pregnant to work with this medicine.
There needs to be at least a 2 week gap between any vaccines and this medicine.
Please let me know if you are on your moon cycle when receiving this medicine.
I will have water for you to drink here, but if you have a preference for a particular kind of water, feel free to bring it with you.
Right before receiving the medicine, you will drink about 1.5 liters of water. No need to drink ahead of time.
After the session you are fully in your body and capable of going about your day. I like to take a long nap after. (You’re actually fully in your body throughout the 30 minutes of receiving.)
You are also welcome to receive the beautiful tobacco medicine of Hapé as well as eye drops, Sananga as part of the ceremony. I will tell you all about them and they’re by no means required. For Sananga, you cannot be wearing contact lenses, but you can put them back soon after if you’d like.
Wearing layers and very comfy, loose clothes is nice since body temperature can fluctuate from cold to hot (plenty of blankets here). Wearing a tank top or short sleeves if we do it on the arm is good.
The exchange is $175 and $150 for group of 3+
If you would like to do 3 sessions in a moon cycle (within 28 days), the total fee is $475.
The whole process, without rushing, with rest after and nourishing, homemade, SOUP (that I provide) is about 2 hours
You are in your body the entire time and even more so, right after receiving the medicine. After a little rest, there is no danger in driving, taking public transportation, etc.
After the treatment, we remember peace, contentment, joy, and health, and we can integrate all of this into our lives and make real changes that benefit our highest good. It helps us to center, step into our power and remember who we truly are.
None of the services offered constitute a replacement for general medical care. Recipients are advised to do their research about potential benefits and risks of receiving Kambó. There are no guarantees offered or implied in receiving this treatment.